Fact Checking Policy


a) The Tazakhabarnow is focused on putting forth a valiant effort to distribute exact data across its substance. We find numerous ways to guarantee precision: We examine claims with wariness; question suppositions; and challenge the tried and true way of thinking.

b) We are focused on accomplishing due precision in the entirety of its result. This responsibility is basic to our standing and the trust of crowds. The term ‘due’ implies that the precision should be satisfactory and suitable to the result, assessing the subject and nature of the substance and expressly notice/underline any limitation that might impact that assumption.

c) This implies all our result, as fitting to its substance and nature, should be very much obtained, in view of accessible proof, and validated. We endeavor to tell the truth and open about what we don’t have any idea and keep away from unwarranted hypothesis.

d) Our columnists never appropriate purposely or misshape realities or setting, including visual data intentionally.

e) We look for autonomous check from sources to affirm claims, data, charge, particularly those made by open authorities or anybody with a plan past just detailing reality. Claims, charges, material realities and other substance that can’t be certified is regularly be ascribed.

d) The Tazakhabarnow remains by the data it distributes and considers it be precise. Whenever demonstrated in any case, we change the news thing/data as fast as could be expected. We don’t intentionally and tangibly deceive our crowds. We don’t contort realities, or present designed material as realities, that can subvert our crowds’ confidence in our substance. We recognize serious verifiable mistakes and right them rapidly, obviously and suitably.

e) We give a fair an open door to general society to report any mistakes or blunders in our reportage through ‘Propose A Remedy’ segment that shows up toward the finish of each and every web-story that is distributed.

f) Our columnists’ essential obligation is detailing, composing, and truth really taking a look at stories. Stories are likely to audit by at least one editors. The Tazakhabarnow has a staggered truth checking structure for stories that expect a reasonable level of effort. The rank of editors who survey a story before distribution shifts on a scope of elements, including intricacy, responsiveness, and the tension of time.

Our Amendment Strategies

While The Tazakhabarnow.com consistently takes a stab at greatness and exactness, we leave the way that we will incidentally make mistakes. At the point when these blunders are made, The Tazakhabarnow.com will get a sense of ownership with revising the mistake and will keep an elevated degree of straightforwardness to be certain all gatherings are sure that the wrong data doesn’t spread.

Coming up next are the means each party needs to take to accomplish the objectives of precision, straightforwardness and greatness:


In the event that a peruser recognizes a blunder, the individual ought to contact the manager in-boss, Emilee Wentland, promptly by email, telephone, mail or face to face.

Email: Tazakhabarnow@gmail.com

Sub: Amendment Required

A rectification isn’t formally submitted until the peruser contacts the manager in-boss straightforwardly. Rectifications submitted to other Tazakhabarnow.com staff individuals may not be tended to as soon a possible or by any stretch of the imagination.

In the event that sent by email or mail, rectifications ought to incorporate the remedy, the issue date or number, where the revision was found (on paper, on the web, and so on) the peruser’s name and a telephone number or email address they can be reached at. Perusers ought to likewise incorporate the right data and a hotspot for where they tracked down that data, if relevant. For instance, assuming an Understudy Senate vote count was inaccurate, kindly give the minutes from that gathering.

The peruser can anticipate a reaction from the supervisor in-boss and might be reached further in the event that an explanation is noted or the manager needs more data. If it’s not too much trouble, note that a revision accommodation is an assurance that the blunder will be examined however not an assurance that a rectification will be given.

THE Tazakhabarnow.com:

When the proofreader in-boss is made mindful of a mistake, the person will explore the blunder utilizing the data given by the peruser, meeting minutes, correspondent’s accounts and some other wellsprings of data accessible to that person.

Assuming a blunder is found, the proofreader in-boss will give a rectification in all structures that the data was erroneously dispersed:


Rectifications will be imprinted on page 2A in the following issue distributed. The amendment will mean the issue, article and mistaken data alongside the rectification.


The article will be remedied and a supervisor’s note will be added to the lower part of the article taking note of what was inaccurate and when the article was changed.

Web-based Entertainment:

On the off chance that the article was posted on Facebook, Twitter or some other internet based medium constrained by The Tazakhabarnow.com, a post will be made connecting to the revised article, noticing the rectification.

When the revision is made, the manager in-boss will contact the peruser who presented the adjustment and illuminate them the means that were taken to address the mistake.